Friday, October 8, 2010

Oct. 8, 2010

Well, we touched down around 5 p m and were through the long, hot lines to get our Visa and passports taken care of, pick up our luggage and get some lira by 6:15. As we were approaching , the screen on the back of the seat in front of us showed what the pilot saw from the cockpit. It was like driving the plane. Pretty cool!

The plane just had a smattering of passengers, so we could spread out as much as we liked. Some laid down across the 4 center seats. They passed out sandwiches and lemon cake during the night - after dinner and before breakfast - so I just put them in my backpack and we had them in our hotel room along with some apples and other snacks I brought this evening.

We sure were glad we weren't driving as there was heavy traffic with cars switching lanes and honking horns. We drove by the Merimar Bay with lights twinkling in the distance and 3 excursion or ferry boats gliding along.

We're tired, but very happy to be here safely. The hotel is very clean and nice. Now the challenge is to sleep through the noise from the passing train only a few feet from our window!!

P S Sponge Bob Square Pants was on the TV when we switched it on !

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