Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 16

Konya is a very conservative city There are no bars and liquor is not served in restaurants, but there are liquor stores and according to a recent survey, Konya is one of the highest consumers of liquor! Go figure! We notice most of the people on the street are wearing dark colors. There was a huge line at the ATM machines last night. We wondered if it were pay day.

Yesterday we visited a caravan stop on the Silk Road. The Sultan built these about every 15 miles as that's about as far as they could travel in a day. He received so much tax and income from the caravans that he gave them free lodging, food, baths and protection. It. was a very large enclosed area with armed guards patrolling atop the wall. The Sultan also provided doctors and vets and if someone had a sick camel, he would replace it - anything to keep trade moving and income coming in. Each trip took about a year, but when Vasco de Gama discovered the water route around Africa, the trip took only 3months and the bottom dropped out of the caravan trade

In the morning we met with an Imam and were able to ask him questions. Even though Turkey is a secular country, the Imams are paid by the government. He said the hardest part of his job is getting people to come to prayer Of the 3,000 in his area only 20-25 come to his mosque to pray. There are other mosques than his though. If someone comes with a problem ( suicide perhaps ) he would give religious answer and refer them to a professional. He feels social needs should be taken care of by state, but mosques in larger cities have soup kitchens, libraries, schools and bazaars.

Friday noon prayers are compulsary for men in mosque. God (Allah) is central. Christ is seen as a prophet - not divine. There is no original son, no need for an intermediator ; no confession. Jewish believe there's a messiah to come. Islam believes Mohammad is the last prophet who came because of human interferance with other religions. Allah is forgiving and grantor of wishes depending on one's personal behavior. Five Pillars: One God and his prophet is Mohammad. Pray 5 times a day. Fast 30 days during Ramadan to appreciate poverty. Give 1/14 of income to poor and needy. Go to Mecca.

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