Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mediterranean Cruise

It's hard to find the words to discribe this lovely day Temp about 74, light breeze, azure blue waters - sparkling and welcoming us in for a splash before a freshly cooked lunch of about a dozen dishes including freshly grilled fish. A birthday cake was provided for one of our group celebrating and later in the afternoon fresh fruit was provided. The shoreline was beautiful with expensive resorts and the sun making shadows through the clouds on the surrounding mountains. We had to drive through 3 tunnels to get to our ship. A short time before we were to get off an ice cream boat came by offering ice cream on a stick. Of course we each got one, but were surprised to find they were 5 lira each!

Enroute coming and going we saw palm trees and many perky periwinkle patches. There were 6 golden statues of ladies looking like they were drapped in a sheet, holding an orange in their left hand. They represented the awards given recently at Antalya's international film festival. Antalya's symbol is the orange and these statues were like large Oscars.

Turkey is really a large penisula, surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Agean Sea, Meramera Sea - up near Istanbul- the Bosphorus Straits, and the Black Sea. It's about the size of Texas

Antalya is a very busy, modern city , filled with high rises.

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