Friday, October 15, 2010


Tonight we're in the large city of Konya, which had once been the capital of Turkey We walked through streets filled with vendors right before dinner and will be leaving at 9 tomorrow morning, so won't really have a chance to shop. And guess what - I saw wooden spoons for 1.5 lira!!!

We have traveled through vast plains with occasional irrigation. 22 million tons of wheat are grown in this area. We saw truckloads of sugarbeets being taken to be made into sugar. There were a few corn fields. There must be more elsewhere as all the cities have vendors selling corn on the cob.

There was a lovely rose garden at the museum/tomb of Rumi - the mystical poet. He said, " music is the food of the soul and dance is the joy of the soul". His disciples were known as dervishes and rhey learned special whirling dances so they have become known as whirling dervishes - uniting movement, music and joy ! So many people wanted to be buried near Rumi, there's the largest cemetary across the street that we've seen this trip.

Most all the buildings are of stone or concrete I have only seen wood used as a ceiling. Trees are not abundant and people have been sentenced to death for cutting down a tree. I think that was long ago.

I'm going to have to go to sleep - very tired and my eyes are shutting. Still looking for some personal mail on my email. Getting political requests for money - over and over again but few personal notes!

1 comment:

  1. How is it possible that you can be seeing all these amazing things when all we are doing is raking?! When I get to Turkey (and now I must!) I will know to buy my spoons in Konya. It's so interesting traveling with you-thanks so much. Love, Sharyn
